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It's time to go Online...Social Media Help is Here!

Published on Saturday, March 21, 2020 12:00 AM

Lets Go Online Covid19 started off as an online directory 11 years ago. Bernice and I worked in a language school at the time, and we came across the website while trying very hard to connect with agents.  Eventually, we were both looking for a change of scene, so we got in touch with Marcus, the previous owner of this platform...and the rest is history. 

In these difficult times, we feel that this experience can be helpful to all of you who want to take their business model online, as soon as possible. Therefore, we are offering 2 options to provide you with simple, yet effective changes, that your business may need right now:

Option 1: Discounted membership options for schools so you can use our platform to promote your services to over 700 international agents 

Option 2: A social media tutorial with any member of your school, so we can discuss how best to use social media to attract more clients and business partners 

Want more information? Feel free to get in touch with us through our Contact Page or via email on [email protected] or [email protected]


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